Small Animal and Fish World

Aquarium Record Keeping
When you start setting up your tank and doing water changes, you might need to keep records of your water changes and other certain aquarium maintance. I strongly advice to keep a binder of all your water changes, the water pariameters of your tank, fish deaths/illinesses, arrivals of new fish, observations of the fish, and the amount of chemicals you put into the tank during water changes or treating fish.
You can go online and look for aquarium record keeping sheets or you can make your own on the computer using word or some other writing application on your computer. When you do record your water changes and other parameters, be sure to record EVERYTHING. Try not to miss anything or you may wonder why something went wrong or something went missing. It has happened to a lot of people that start new aquariums. They forgert to write certain things down and then they wonder what went wrong.
Always remember to keep your files in a binder or a folder so you don't lose them and know where they are if you ever need them for specific reasons. I keep mine near my fish tank so I know exactly where it is and so I can get to it easily. I label all my water parameter files and other documents so I know which one is which. I hope you guys can find more information on record keeping for your aquarium since this is all I can come up with for now. I hope you guys enjoyed!