Small Animal and Fish World

Setting Up the Aquarium
Knowing how to set up your aquarium is essential since that is where your fish are going to live for the rest of their lives. The first thing you want to do is set down the gravel, make sure it covers every inch of the tank. Next fill it up with water and place your plants in, make sure the roots are carefully snug underneath the gravel and can't be easily dug up (this however can happen so be on the look out for it). Next put in the decor, make sure to spread it out and evenly throughout the tank, set up your filter, thermometer, and heater. Make sure the temperature is at 73-81 degress F or 23-26 degress C, this is the standard temp for most fish. Next place the bag that has your fish in it in the water, allow the water in the bag to adjust to the temp of the tank water. Make sure before you put your fish in you have de-chlorinate your water, used the water conditioner, Ph strips to test the Ph in the water and used your alge control (if you decided to buy it) so that the fish are out of harms way when you put them in. After the bag has warmed up to the same temp as the tank, you can scoop each fish from underneath them and place them in the tank. DO NOT PLACE THE WATER FROM THE BAG IN THE TANK. This could be dangerous as chemicals and other things could be present in that water.

Here is a picture of a finished fish aquarium. Yours will vary depneding on the decor, type of fish, backgrounds and more.