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Convincing Your Parents For A Hamster

So I know every kid or person who has wanted a hamster, has some point in their lives when they have trouble convincing their parents or the person they live with to let them have a hamster or other pet. Check out the video on the right for more information! 

The first point, schooling and grades. If you have bad grades or are slacking behind in school, you should get thoase grades up and get caught up in school before even asking for a pet. Keep your grades up and you are on the right track to asking for a pet. 

Grades and Schooling

The next point, are you going to be paying for the supplies for the pet? If so, this may damper the thoughts of your parents to let you get a pet. Do chores around the house for an exchange in allowance or supplies. 

Keeping Up With Your Responsibilites

The fourth point being, have you been keeping up with your responsibilites around the house such as your chores, taknig care of the current pets you may own, or other certain responsibilites around your house. Doing these without being told can help make the talk to convince your parents easier so they may be more willnig to let you have a pet. 


If your parents say yes, well that's great. Keep your promises with keeping up with your responsibilites and schooling and thank them a lot. If they say no, well it doesn't mean no forever. Keep up with your chores and other responsibilites and continue to do research on the pet you want to own. 


The third point, doing research on the type of animal you want and its care will be a great thing to present to your parents when asking for a hamster or other pet. Be sure to look up all the necessary information you may need like costs, supplies, proper care, etc. Be sure to include everything in your presentation to your parents. 

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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