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Why Store Bought Cages Are Bad

When you first get your hamster, you are tempted into buying a Critter Trail cage or a small hamster cage which are very unsuitable for any kind of hamster. These cages have no room for a hamster house, toys or a big enough wheel for the hamster. The cage barely has enough room for the hamster to dig in. Small animal cages can't house two hamsters like many people want especially if they want to breed their hamsters or want to keep a pair of hamsters together. Hamsters need room to roam since they run over 8 miles a night in the wild and love to dig and chew. They need plenty of space for toys, chews, bedding and a wheel to keep them buys so they don't get board and chew up the plastic of the cage or chew the bars of the cage. Beside this paragraph is a picture of a Critter Trail cage, an unsuitable cage for any pet. There is also a another which is suitable for a hamster because of the two platforms which had height to the cage. This cage is only suitable if you plan on using it as a temporary cage, NOT a permanent one. 

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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