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Small Animal and Fish World

These are the species of hamster. Look them over and meet their furry faces.
I am a Winter White, I can live for 1 1/2 to 2 years. I can come in many colors but I turn white during winter. (Below)

I am a Chinese Dwarf Hamster. I'm not really a dwarf though. I have a tail and I can live for almost 3 1/2 years.
I am a Robo hamster, I only have one distinct color, the one in the picture. I can live for almost 4 years if well taken care of.
I am a Campbell's Dwarf, I can come in many many colors but the main one you usually see is the one in my picture. (Above)
I am a Hybrid Dwarf, I am most commonly sold in pet stores around the world. I come in many colors and I can live from 1 1/2 to to 2 years.
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