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Types of Pet Fish

There are many different types of pet fish, the ones talked about here are the most popularly sold in stores. If you have any questions reguarding the types of pet fish, don't hesitate to contact me or even look up all the kinds of pet fish. There are many! 


Goldfish, the most popular kind of pet fish in the United States. Goldfish were ancestors of the small Chinese wild carp. Color variations were first recorded in 400 A.D during the Chin dynasty. These fish varied in color and shape. Today, these fish are known as Goldfish because of selective breeding from the Chinese. There are 4 types of Goldfish and 8 sub-types; the common Goldfish (mainly sold in pet stores and stores like Walmart and Mejier), the Shubunkin (found usually in London), the Comet (developed towards the end of the 19th century), and the Fancy goldfish (the sub-type goldfish are ranged with the fancies; the Fantail, veiltail, lionhead, oranda, pearl scale, black moor, bubble-eye and celestial). 

Tropical Freshwater 

Tropical freshwater fish are categprized by two different broad groups: live-bearers and egg layers. Live-bearers, as you may have guessed, give birth to live fry or baby fish. Egg layers, of course, lay eggs and wait for them to hatch. There are 4 different types of live-bearer fish; the Guppy (similar looking to a Betta but a little different), the Platies (similar to a Common Goldfish in shape), the Swordtail, and Mollies. There are 5 egg layers in the freshwater fish and 3 in the marine egg layers. The freshwater egg layers include: Barbs, Rasboras, Danios, Characins, Gouramis and Cichlids. Most freshwater fish don't need salt in their tanks but in case your not sure the types of freshwaters that need salt are mainly Mollies. You can always add some salt to your other freshwater fishes tank but they do not need it. 

Marine Fish 

Marine fish come in all shapes, sizes and colors just like Tropical fish. However, Marine fish do need salt in their tank since they live in the great big ocean. The most popular Marine fish found in most homes are the cowfish, the clown or anemone fish(like Nemo!) and sea horses. Puffer fish, Blue tang fish (Like Dory from Nemo!), angle fish, butterfly fish, lion fish and many others are also common pets for marine fish collectors/admirers. Marine fish, unlike freshwater fish, need lots of space and special food especially if you get live marine plants (which is recommened if you do buy Marine fish). Marine fish are expensive to care for but they are worth it in the long run. If you wish to learn more about Tropical, Gold or Marine fish, please contact me or a fish specialist to learn more about those fish. 

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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