Small Animal and Fish World

Traveling With Your Hamster
So your going to the vet or your bringing your hamster home but you don't want to put him/her in a cardboard carrying box from the pet store. Well take out that Crittertrail or small hamster cage you've stored away (after watching and reading on proper hamster care) and I'll show you how to use that as a travel cage.
When traveling with your hamster, either sort or long-ish distances, you'll need bedding in the cage to keep the hamster from peeing every where and having the cage smell bad. Bedding (as talked about in previous page on setting up an actual cage) is needed for hamster to go to the bathroom (well not technically unless you want the cage to smell bad) and control the odor from the urine and absorb it. Allow at least 2-3 inches of bedding and spread it evenly through out the cage bottom.
You also need a small or some what large hamster house for your hamster to sleep in if it is light outside or it is a long distance to the vet or pet store/adoption center. Be sure that it fits well in a corner or the middle of the back of the cage. Bring along some unscented tissue paper with you so they have warm nesting material to comfortably sleep in.
Bring along some hamster food with you but don't include a bowl instead sprinkle it around the cage so your hamster has something to do during the journey. Bring at least one tablespoon of food for your hamster if it's a long journey and if it's a short journey you can bring food but you don't need too depending on if it is more than 30 minutes. If it is you can bring a tablespoon of food with you.
Now for water, instead of a dripping bottle all over the place, you can bring a slice of a cucumber. They are packed with water but be mindful not to give it a large slice or it may cause diarrhea in your hamster later.
You can bring a small tube or other small play toy for your hamster though it is only an option and not an essential for a travel cage. Be sure the tube doesn't take up a lot of room in the cage so your hamster still has some walking room. If you wish you can put a wheel in the cage if it is big enough for a wheel, if not don't worry about it. Your hamster will be just fine without one until you get it home!