Small Animal and Fish World

Taming Your Hamster
After your hamster has settled in for a few days you can begin taming. NEVER pick your hamster up in the first stages as you will only cause them a lot of stress and you may even end up getting bitten. Chose a natural, healthy treat like small seeds, mealworms, scrambled egg etc. and hold it in your fingers near to the entrance of your hamsters nest while they are awake. Be patient and wait for your hamster to respond and take the treat. If they are too nervous to take the treat leave it near the nest and move away.
Do this 2 or 3 times a day, everyday! Use different natural treats each time so your hamster doesn't get bored and soon your hamster will be happy to take treats from your fingers.
Now that your hamster is taking treats from you its time to move on to "Palm Feeding". This time you will do the same as in step one only you will place the treat in the palm of your hand and wait patiently for your hamster to notice. They might not take the treat right away and lots of practice will be needed for some hamsters but within time your hamster will happily sit on your hand while eating the treat. If your hamster takes the treat and eats it somewhere else you are not ready for the next step. Its important that the hamster is climbing onto your hand happily before you move on.
Once your hamster has happily been climbing on your hand for treats over several days you can begin lifting them off the ground once they are on your hand. Start with just a few inches off the ground in case they panic and want to jump! Then as they become more used to the movement you can lift them higher and higher until you have them at a level you are comfortable with.
(Skip option 2 and move on to the next paragraph)
Now that you are holding your hamster you can allow them to walk across you by placing your hands one-besides the other making a never ending path. Your hamster will walk across your hands and braver hamsters may even walk up your arms and over your body. This step can be practiced throughout the hamsters life as your hamster will enjoy doing this for a game. Some hamsters may be happy enough to settle down and sit or even sleep in your hands but most will prefer to keep moving!
You could do this before step 3 or after - it really doesn't make a difference! This step will teach you how to get your hamster used to being stroked and touched without flinching or nipping. While your hamster is inside a traveller or small box use a brush (old toothbrush or hamster brush) to gently stroke different parts of their body. A hamster who hasn't been stroked before may flinch but they will soon get used to the feeling. Once your feel your hamster is comfortable then you can begin stroking them with your finger or hand without the risk of being bitten!