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Hamsters need lots of protein in their diets especially as babies. The more protein they have and the more nutriion they've got, the healthier they become. Be careful on what you feed them as their are species of hamster that are prone to diabetes. Buy food that is high in protein and fiber. Avoid unsafe foods which will be listed on the right.


The bigger the cage the better it is for your hamster. Many owners and pet shops think it is okay to keep them in small cages but it really isn't. They need lots of toys in their cages so they don't get bored. Lots of bedding is also needed because they are burrowing animals. Water and food must also be provided in their cages everyday. 


Hamsters live up to 1 1/2-3 years depending on the species of hamster. They are nocturnal so they slep during the day and are awake at night. They are prone to diabetes, wet tail, and sticky eye. They are also prone to cancer. Be sure to watch them for signs of diabetes and the other illnesses. 

Is a Hamster Right for You?

Before deciding to get a hamster you’ll need to decide whether it’s the right kind of pet to fit your lifestyle and whether it’s an affordable pet for you. Contrary to what some people still think hamsters are not cheap pets or ‘pocket-money pets’ Buying the starter supplies alone you are looking to spend anywhere between $54-$100  sometimes more! They also require more responsibility than people realise. Take the time to answer these questions below and answer them carefully. 

1. First of all do you have the space and money for the right sized cage? 

2. Do You Have Space To Keep The Cage?

3. Do You Have Time To Play Everyday?

4. Do You Have Money For Things They Need?

5. Are You Prepared To Clean The Cage Each Week? 

6. Are You Willing to Spend Time Researching Hamster Care?


So still think you are ready for a hamster?

If the answer is yes then welcome to an amazing world of adorable squishy faces and cuddly critters. Hamsters really do make amazing pets if you are able to provide them with the things they need. If you feel that you are not ready for a hamster just yet why not take this time to begin your research on them, by the time you have finished you may even be in a situation where you can have a hamster!

Click on me for more information on shopping for a hamster! 

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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