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Caring for Your Fish

It is important to know the basics of fish care. This page will explian how to care for your new pet fish. 


Feeding your fish is as simple as this, feed your fish a pinch of flakes a day, if you have only one fish give it three flakes, the biggest ones. Feeding your fish may seem difficult for some people because they don't know what to feed their fish, if you read my page titled "Picking Out Supplies" you'll know I have a supplies check list and on that list states what type of food you should get. But if you still aren't clear, freshwater tropical and goldfish can be fed goldfish flakes, tropicals can also be feed tropical fish food. Marien fish can be fed tropial fish food, but marien fish food is best. Tropical and marine fish can be fed shrimp and blood worms as a protien, they also can be fed egg yolks. 


Cleaning your fish may seem obsured but here is the thing, cleaning the tank and doing routine Ph checks and water checks keeps your fish clean and healthy. Making sure the filter works is good too since it helps kep the tank clean and your fish alive. Remember when removing the fish from the aquarium, scoop below the fish, don't chase it, it can cause stress in fish. Fish don't need lots of care like dogs or cats but care is still needed for fish. Remember, a fish is a resposibility just like any other animal. 

This is a pet fish care sheet, it has all the "info" for the first week or so for your fish. You can always go online and find more fish care sheets as well.

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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