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Moving Your Fish

So your moving to a new house but you don't know how to properly pack your fish for the move? 


Well I will surely help you in knowing how to properly pack your fish. 

So the first step is to buy breather bags, these bags allow for accurate and safe transportation for your fish. Once you have bought or accquired your bags, look for a box with styrofoam or find a stryofoam cooler or a regular plastic cooler. 

The next step is to fill the bags 3/4 of the way with water, it can be tank water or new de-chlorinated water that matches your tanks pH levels and temperature, leave the rest without. This will allow proper oxygen to be accquired into the bag. 

Once the bags have water, place your fish into the bags. I reccomend only having one fish per brerather bag to allow the fish to have less stress and have more room in case the bag moves or falls over in the cooler or box. 

Once all fish have been properly placed in the bags, place them into the cooler or box, you may need to put a cooling pad or heating pad into the cooler or box depending on the weather. 

Place packing peanuts or other safe materials around the bags to prevent them from mvoing or tiping over in the box or cooler.

Do this same thing with your bio-filter media and tank ornaments since these have benfical bacteria for your tank. Had less water in bag since the bacteria need lots of oxygen. Only have enough water to cover the filter media or ornaments. 

Once the fish have arrived at your home and your tank has been set up, acclimate your fish properly and place in your decorations and filter. Doing the bag technique for the filter media will save the bacteria from dying. Place your fish in the aquarium and your all done! 

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© 2016-2017 Hopping Houdini's Small Animal And Aquatic Pet Care 

Emily Dunn 

8560 S. 36th St. 

Scotts, MI 49088 (please use for fanmail or important questions only)

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